Craniosacral Therapy- Distance Healing


Are you going through an epic change in your life that has you feeling adrift? Does it feel like you are in a long dark tunnel and the light has not yet appeared at the end?

I especially like helping woman of all ages, from prepubescent to post-menopausal and beyond who are going through great life changes such as chronic illness, divorce, the loss of a loved one, career change, or menopause.

When we do a distance healing session together, I listen with my entire being to the flow of consciousness in your body. This flow is nothing but the “Higher Intelligence” that guides you to the next step in your health. My supportive non-judgmental attention gives the green light for this Intelligence to do its healing work.

My goal is to help you find clarity and a new way forward to where you find purpose and peace in your life.

What happens in a session?

You lie down in the comfort of your own home and listen to my voice over the phone as I guide you through your healing process. I use audio only, not video. I guide you into relaxation with my voice to take you to a place of stillness where the greater intelligence can do its work.

Throughout the session, which lasts roughly an hour, there will be moments of complete silence and moments where we will be talking quietly.

After the session you might find that you:

Breathe easier

Can make more sense of what is going on in your life

Have more trust in your intuition, in your next move /direction

Have more clarity of thought

Begin looking at life through a slightly different lens

You sleep better

You feel calmer

I look forward to helping you on your journey!

Distance Healing Testimonial:

I had a distance craniosacral healing treatment from Laura and I am amazed at how, not only one treatment, but a distance treatment, has made such an impact on my state of mind.

I was, and still am going through a stressful period and the meditative body scan that Laura talks you through was clearly very powerful because it brought to the surface an array of suppressed anxieties. It also allowed me to clear my conscience about certain things past and present, things I have never admitted to anyone and this was like lifting a heavy weight off my chest, a weight I had felt but hadn’t really known where it came from.

Throughout the treatment Laura was supportive, calm, non judgemental and encouraging. When I cried I could feel her closeness and compassion. When I reached a part of my body that was needy, she could sense the need and stayed there longer.

It’s hard to describe how a treatment delivered over the telephone can be as incisive as a hands on treatment, but it was. It was almost more so. I have had many types of touch therapy and they are all restorative and relaxing but sometimes the room, the couch, the temperature, the blankets or even the smells or noises can be off putting. I am not always at ease in a treatment room.

With a distance treatment Laura asks you to choose the comfiest place for you, she checks you are warm enough, that you are lying in the best position for you, and only when you are ready, she starts.

I had my treatment lying down on my settee under my well worn patchwork quilt, my favorite place in the house, the place I feel safe and cosy.

Laura’s voice was warm and steady. It was just her voice that guided me into my body, mind and spirit. She doesn’t use video so you don’t feel observed (another bonus ) especially when you are crying.

One of the unexpected outcomes of the treatment was that I no longer have cravings for sweet things. I always used to treat myself by having a cake or chocolate, but now I neither feel the need for gratification, or the sugar fix.

I highly recommend Laura and her distance craniosacral treatments. I will definitely be having more! - Margarite